Drug Free Community Program
The most important tool we have against drug use is not a badge or a gun, it is the kitchen table.
Parents can prevent drug use by researching and learning as much as they can - then sitting down with their children and talking with them -- honestly and openly about the dangers of drugs to young lives and dreams.
Prevention begins with parents and families, and requires the support of schools, small business owners and faith-based organizations. This collaboration "changes" a community.
We can be - Drug Free!
The struggle against abuse must take place in homes and schools in every community. We'll be able to overcome substance abuse when parents, teachers, citizens and government officials all work together to teach youngsters to reject illegal drugs and accept healthy lifestyles. Drug abuse prevention is everyone's business.
The U.S. Congress created the Drug-Free Communities Support Program in 1997. The program provides grants for a one-year period to enhance collaboration and coordination in fighting illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. MentorMe® Drug Testing & Educational Services partners with Communities to implement Drug Free Programs in the homes, businesses, schools, centers and other social gathering places.
Drug Courts have become one of the judicial system's most effective strategies for rehabilitating drug offenders. Judges, prosecuting attorneys, and defense attorneys work together with the offender in a regimen of hearings and interviews devoted to reform and rehabilitate as well as to punish. In an intense program of monitoring and supervision, the judge can become the defendant's confessor, mentor, and taskmaster, all the while recognizing the serious and debilitating nature of drug abuse as a disorder.
Understandably, some parents of drug users think that their child might have been pressured by peers or drug dealers into taking drugs. But if you ask the child, he/she is more likely to say they chose to use drugs because they wanted to relieve boredom; feel good; forget their troubles, relax; have fun; satisfy their curiosity; take risks; ease their pain; feel grown-up; show their independence; belong to a specific group; or look cool.
Rather than being influenced by new friends whose habits they adopt, children and teens often switch peer groups so they can hang around with others who have made the same lifestyle choices. Have you noticed who your child is hanging around lately?
Parents know their children best and are therefore in the best position to suggest healthy alternatives to drugs.
Sports, clubs, art, music lessons, drama, community service projects, and after-school activities have always enriched the lives of young people and motivated them to stay away from drugs. Curious youngsters need more than information and media savvy if they're going to stay away from drugs - they need a reason to say "no" to drugs. Interesting activities and a reason to randomly or routinely test them for drug use is instrumental to resisting the temptation to drugs and hang with those who do.
Keep children and teens active and interested.
Stay involved by attending games and performances.
Motivate them to avoid destructive behavior.
Randomly and routinely test for love!
We Can Be - Drug Free!